

Oh hey, here's some photos from March! ...almost two weeks into April, which, you know, I'm totally doing on purpose and not at all because I've been driving up and down the east coast and working (welcome back to wedding season!).  Doing these posts of various snapshots throughout the month has been kind of awesome.  In the past, I've really neglected using my camera for every day photos, opting instead for my iPhone.  I'm so glad I've made a change.  Documenting the every day has given me such a better appreciation for my surroundings.  I've stopped taking some things for granted.

Like those Georgia sunsets.  To be honest, I have spent the past seven years loathing Georgia - which is nuts, because once upon a time, I spent the majority of my summers there, and the majority of the rest of the year missing it.  But after spending nearly a year living there in college, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth.  It's only saving grace was that a good portion of my family members live there, and, well, I'm obsessed with them.  Lately though (thanks to this little project) I've been framing photos in my mind along that familiar drive, and each time it gets a little less daunting.  I've really started to appreciate the farm land, as flat as it may be, and the tall trees that line that vast sky.  It's kind of amazing, how tall those trees are.  One of these days, I swear I'll finally stop and photograph one of the dilapidated barns nestled among the rows of cotton.  And on my next trip down, I'll stop at that farm stand my grandma used to take me to; maybe pick up a couple of fat, ripe tomatoes for sandwiches, just like she used to make them.

I sound really positive about Georgia, don't I?  I think that's pretty great considering that the time in March I spent there involved everyone I know, with the exception of my mom and I, coming down with a pretty nasty super virus that had been making it's rounds.  I must have gone through entire bottles of soap and bleach in an attempt to avoid getting it and/or passing it on to mom.  The idea of her coming down with it caused a lot of stress among my sisters and I (and I'm sure her too), but we managed to spare her!

On the back and forth between Georgia and New York, I've been stopping in Virginia to break up the drive.  I mostly stay near the coast, but I've managed to make a few trips inland to visit some of my favorites near the capital.  Meg, Addie and I spent an afternoon walking through Alexandria and I was blown away by it.  It's such an incredible little city to visit with so much history and color.  I was delighted to see racks of rentable bikes for touring (which also made me a little homesick for Hamburg).  It's a place I'd love to venture back to and explore more thoroughly.  Also, we ate at BGR and, while Poppy's still tops my list when it comes to burgers, BGR held it's own.

Later in the month, we celebrated Sean's birthday by the beach with seafood at Catch 31, Busch Gardens (we somehow ended up with season passes?  I'm not complaining), some rainy day Cinebistro and a homemade salted caramel cake that I managed to transport painlessly from New York - no small task!

March, thanks for the good times.

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