
Big Sur

I thought about flying from Los Angeles to San Francisco, but it wasn't really much of a debate.  It's been a while since my last road trip -- even longer since the last one on my own.  Maybe it was the countless hours of my youth spent sprawled out over the backseats of my family's suburban watching tumbleweeds out the windows, or one of the i-don't-even-know-how-many trips between New York and Georgia throughout the past seven years.  It's a combination of things, really, that makes me love being on the road.  See, I'm very good at distracting myself -- a contributing factor to my success.  There are always photos to edit! photos to take! websites to build! E-mails to answer!

My brain has a really difficult time turning off.

There's not much you can distract yourself with on the road, and soon you're forced to face whatever thoughts are nagging you - whatever you've been trying to distract yourself from in the first place.  There's always something.  And it helps, facing it.

And stopping to take in the scenery along the way helps, too.

William Randolph Hearst Memorial Beach, San Simeon Bay

Near Ragged Point


Unknown said...

next time you're here i think we should do a couple of days in big sur!!

these are beautiful.

Jacki said...

Absolutely beautiful.

I have dreams of taking a road trip like this with a camera and no timeline or expectations other than "look at gorgeous nature and photograph it".