
Cafe Habana - Malibu, California

left-right, top-bottom: sangria, margarita, mexican style corn, guac - all of which I highly recommend.

Cafe Habana has long topped my list of New York favorites,
so I had to swing by their new restaurant in Malibu while I was in town.
The look is very different, but the food, drink & cool factor are all right there.
I'm not the only one who thinks so, either.
When I was there in June with friends, we asked a fellow patron to take our photo.
While he was clicking away, we suddenly realized who he was.
Wonder if he loves the Mexican style corn & sangria as much as I do?

below: katrina took a huge bite of chili powder, hence the facial expressions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love these photos!
what a cool place!
and hi id like a cocktail.